PinnedFun with “born vs. borne”I am merely a linguaphile with no credentials, but here is my contribution!Sep 6, 2020Sep 6, 2020
“If not now, then when, if not us, then who?What a sparkling phraseology! Want to know the etymology?Mar 2Mar 2
“Writ large” or “At large” …commonly confused!Writ large means clear and obvious …“Large white letters spelling ‘Hollywood’ are writ large on the Hollywood hills.” … “The look of…Mar 11, 2022Mar 11, 2022
110 Cool Vocabulary Words College Grads Should Know !Plump Up Your Writing With These Versatile Gems !Nov 12, 2021Nov 12, 2021
Vocabulary Test — Second Meanings!Many common words have second meanings that don’t get used very often — but they do get used! The synonyms to these words are second…Oct 7, 2020Oct 7, 2020